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Texting Thumb and Repetitive Trauma

August 14, 2012 by Greg Balourdas

The conditions that we treat may not change much but the way that we injure ourselves changes with the technology.

Take care that you don’t develop Texting Thumb.

Recognized for a number of years and very treatable.

Please don’t ignore your symptoms. And once in a while call!



Such injuries from overuse include various tendonitis conditions and nerve entrapments (carpal tunnel syndrome etc.)  Many were recognized 100 years and more ago.

Very interesting excerpt from a 1914 text on Occupational Disorders.  It goes on to describe conservative treatment similar to measures we employ today!  The more things change, the more they stay the same.

From a textbook on Occupational Diseases published in 1914

Check out the occupations associated with these conditions in 1914.  No texting to be found!

And please don’t text and drive!

Take Care,

Greg Balourdas, MD

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